Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc


A Special Note About the COVID-19 Virus and the Resumption of Elective Services

At this time, we are pleased to announce that CTMAX will begin to resume normal services starting on May 20th. At the same time, all of our patients should rest assured that we continue to listen carefully to the recommendations put forward by the CDC, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and all local authorities regarding the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

For the past several weeks, we have successfully run an emergency oral surgery clinic to service those patients with only emergencies. Our clinic was limited to a single office location and targeted patients who might otherwise be forced to seek emergent oral surgical needs through the hospital emergency rooms. We would like to recognize and thank Dr. Brett Weyman and our dedicated staff that made this possible through the very peak of Connecticut’s Phase I COVID-19 curve. By using specific protocols that aligned with the CDC’s recommendations for safety, CTMAX successfully ensured the health and wellbeing of all patients needing treatment during this period while preserving the safety of our own team.

Our experience over this period has been invaluable and is assisting us as we plan for reopening our offices to elective services. We have always employed the highest level of patient protection and sanitization methods to preserve a surgically aseptic environment. Similarly, our doctors and staff are accustomed to operating in a hypersensitive environment. In years past we have confronted and practiced in the face of infamous epidemics, including, Hep A, B & C, HIV/AIDS, SARS, H1N1, Ebola (EBV) and others. Therefore, we understand how to mitigate the risks of treatment for both the patient and the doctor. We will use the additional experience of what we have learned recently as well as over decades of practice to keep you and your family safe.

We believe that it is important for you to know what we are doing to ensure your safety as well as educate you as to what you should expect at your next appointment. We have, therefore, dedicated a section of our website to assist you in being prepared with the hope that we will allay many of your fears. In many ways, we are now practicing in a new age of healthcare.

The Doctors and Staff of Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons

Click How CTMAX is Addressing Covid-19 and the reopening, for more detail.

So… what to do now?

We are currently requesting that all patients complete the paperwork for their visits online by going to the “Pre-Registration Area” on our website (click here or use button below). This information is delivered to us fully encrypted for your protection.

Additionally, we have a NEW Health History Form Addendum (fillable PDF) specific to the COVID-19 pandemic that is NOT incorporated to the above online form. We ask that you download, complete and return it to us prior to your appointment.

If you feel uncomfortable about using our on-line history form or downloading this new addendum, please contact us, and we will either send your pre-visit paperwork in the mail or gladly email it to you in a PDF document. The documents can be returned to us either through our encrypted on-line document folder, scanned and forwarded to our office email ( address or given to us upon your arrival.

These processes will further reduce the needless handling of paperwork upon your arrival and assist in expediting your appointment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Patient Pre-Registration Health Form
Health Form COVID Addendum
Facial Aesthetic Center of Enhancement & Cosmetic Surgery
© 2025 - CTMAX Face