Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc

We All Have Choices

ctmax_choice_smlLet’s face it, we’ve all made decisions that, in hindsight, were less than optimal. It might not have been a single BIG decision that didn’t work out, but a series of small ones that were contributing factors. From the image to the left, we might imagine that there were several at play here.

First, the decision to go to that night club. The second might have been to strike up that conversation with her. The third could have been to have, perhaps, one too many adult beverages which easily led to the fourth of heading out to that all night tattoo parlor.

Later, when you come to realize the need to change the result of those little decisions, you NOW have a choice… You can COVER IT and pretend it never happened or you may choose to visit CTMAX and ERASE IT to make it look like it never happened.

Learn More at CTMAX ERASE

Clean Up Your Canvas

Natl_Tattoo_DayToday is National Tattoo Day and time to declare your independence from “Tattoo Regret” with the CTMAX Time Wizards.

If you harbor tattoo regret stemming from outdated art, a messy job, or a symbolic gesture that has lost its significance, National Tattoo Day on July 17th will be your chance to start fresh with a clean canvas.
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Facial Aesthetic Center of Enhancement & Cosmetic Surgery
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